perm filename TEMP[RDG,DBL] blob sn#652289 filedate 1982-04-10 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
		      Russell Greiner's Bibliography

Wrote one section on "The Language, RLL",
(in the "Tools for Building Expert Systems" chapter,)
in Hayes-Roth, Frederick, Waterman, Donald & Lenat, Douglas,
"Designing Expert Systems" (in press).

"MRS Manual",
   Micheal R. Genesereth, Russell Greiner and David Smith,
   HPP Working Paper 80-24, December 1980, Stanford University, 35 pp.

"Details of RLL-1",
   HPP Working Paper 80-23, October 1980, Stanford University, 65 pp.

"RLL-1: A Representational Language Language",
   HPP Working Paper 80-9, October 1980, Stanford University, 43 pp.

[Reprinted in proceedings of the "Expert Systems Conference",
  La Jolla, California, August 1980.]

"A Representational Language Language",
   R. Greiner and Douglas B. Lenat,
   AAAI #1, (Stanford, August 1980) p. 165-169.

"The ACRONYM Model-Based Vision System",
   Rodney A. Brooks, R. Greiner and T. O. Binford:
   IJCAI #6, (Tokyo,) pp. 105-113.

"Progress Report on a Model-Based Vision System", 
   Rodney A. Brooks, Russell Greiner, Thomas O. Binford,
   Proceedings of the ARPA Image Understanding Conference,
   November 14-15, 1978, pp 145-151.
  <L. S. Baumann (ed.), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 	>
  <Report # SAI-79-814-WA, Order # 3456, Contract # MDA903-78-C-0095>

[Reprinted in proceedings of the
"NSF Workshop on the Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects",
University of Pennsylvania, May 1979, Section C.]

"A Model Based Vision System", 
   Rodney A. Brooks, Russell Greiner, Thomas O. Binford,
   Proceedings of the ARPA Image Understanding Conference,
   May 3-4, 1978, pp. 36-44.

"Ackerman Variable", APL QUOTE QUAD, Spring 1975.

"Balancing Chemical Equations ", APL QUOTE QUAD, Spring 1974.